A image of Jane Doe Another image of Jane Doe

Welcome to my design universe! I'm Jane, a Stockholm-based digital product designer with a love for crafting beautiful interfaces.

Welcome to this fictional sample content! It is just here to be replaced by your own fancy super content.

Side Projects:

An image of my sitesproject website

Wall-AI - AI generated Wallpapers for free

My personal collection of hand- and AI crafted Wallpapers. Made for everyone, free and Open Sourced plus the Prompt´s I use.

Another image of another sitesproject website

3DArt - The 3D Meetup

A virtual exchange of 3D artist while playing VR Dart. It´s fun! Everyone can join and hangout with us. Every first Monday of the month.

Another image of another sitesproject website

BirdTree - Freelancer Hangout Space

My brand new startup idea. I build it in public and a lot of stuff going around there. So check it out and play around!